Buzzing Books

Archive / 2021-9


The 21 Best Horror Books to Read in 2021

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2021-09-30 23:55·View on Reddit

I don't know if I've just been down on my luck or books are actually all featuring the same heroine nowadays, but literally almost EVERY book I've read recently have the same heroine with the at least two or more following traits: -Not like other girls (because they know how to read books or is…

Sorry, this might be a bit of a rant, but there are many posts in this sub about book censorship, and there are consistently comments under them that I feel deserve a general response. They usually go something like this: "LMAO, schools banning books? Kids will actually just seek out anything…

If this book is on any of your reading lists I would highly encourage you not to listen to any reviews or even read the books own blurb before beginning as it really helped enhance the mystery of the story. I feel too many books give too much away these days in order to hook their viewers. For…

The short story is Dear Amazon Kindle users be wary. Your electronic rights are only five years and after that you have no right of access to THEIR books. The long story and a rabbit hole of frustration for you fine peeps will be an image in the comments I received when I tried to open my books…

Recently, I bought a secondhand Oliver Twist published by Grosset & Dunlap because I liked the hardcover design. I thought I scored a beautiful special edition when I saw the written name of the presumed first owner with the date 1928. Then turning the pages, I saw the frontispiece with a photograph…

We've all seen it. "If you haven't read (insert any book, usually a classic (or even an author)) you're not a real book fan!" "If you read (insert genre, usually YA or romance), you're not a real fan of books)!" "(Insert genre, again usually YA or romance) is BAD and if you read it, you're not a…

My to-read list is also 47 books long already. I think reading has really helped my mental health. I also started creative writing for the fun of it too. I wish I had started years ago. Side note: someone told me today that Stephen King's It the book was bad because It the movie was bad. But she…

It didn't take too long to realise that this novel was different. The magical realist elements at first catch you off guard, making you doubt if you read the line correctly; but later on they begin to make total sense, and are something that you look forward to, giving the novel its distinct tone. I…

So basically the title. My Dad can talk well (considering where he came from) but he has trouble spelling words and reading sentences that are beyond a 4th of 5th grade level. He has great ideas but doesn't know how to express himself. Anything you guys think might be helpful or advice would be…

I have no genre preference. I liked : * The Bromance Book Club series * One of Us is Lying * Superpowered series * Percy Jackson series * Charlie Bone series * Harry Potter series * The Mysterious Benedict Society series * Six of Crows

I know, what a shocker, I loved a classic. A classic written by a legend of the craft. That being said: I fucking loved this book. I needed to make a post to shout into the void about. As it is a rather long book spanning multiple generations, I can’t and won’t go into everything I loved about. I…

When I was a kid I adored reading. I read all the time. I was the first kid in my kindergarten class who knew how to read. In the 8th grade I gave up on reading, and I'm not sure why. The last book I read was either Fahrenheit 451 or Flowers for Algernon. Both great works. Since then I haven't read…

WHEEL OF TIME is tricky for me There's so much to like about it. Sure you got trite cliches like a chosen one and a dark evil entombed but rising up. But then you also get great goodies like the despicable wild card Padan Fain or the Seanchan randomly showing up to enslave everyone. I think it's…

I often see this happening with The Great Gatsby, for example. People read it and say something like “the book has interesting themes and good prose, but I just don’t care about the characters and they’re not likable.” I find it kind of amusing because I doubt it ever even crossed FSF’s mind…

“What better occupation, really, than to spend the evening at the fireside with a book, with the wind beating on the windows and the lamp burning bright...Haven't you ever happened to come across in a book some vague notion that you've had, some obscure idea that returns from afar and that seems…

This information is from Openculture [] In honor of Dante’s 700th year…

This book was absolutely brilliant. It is quite rare that book can be so intellectually profound and thorough that it can pervade every aspect of life. 1984 is a brilliant dystopian which pushes readers to question the very nature of reality. The society the book depicts is one with a totalitarian…

It's a cliché for a reason. I can easily name a dozen examples off the top of my head where the book was better than the movie. I realized though that I've never read a book that was adapted into a movie where I enjoyed the movie more. I'm curious if anyone has an example that goes against the norm.…

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