Buzzing Books

Archive / 2021-5


Jacques Pépin's The Apprentice: My Life in the Kitchen (2003) was amazing!

I really enjoy reading autobiographies, and this is one of the best I've ever read. If you've ever watched him on TV or YouTube even for a few minutes, you know what a warm, laidback, sweetheart of a man he seems to be—and that comes through in spades in this book. A lot of the focus is on food, of…

2021-05-31 22:19·View on Reddit

Hi guys, A couple of months ago we posted about a project me and a friend were working on, called librimood ( It is an AI powered search engine for finding books based on your mood. For example you can search abstract queries like “a book that will make me cry” or “a book with a…

I was talking with my in laws yesterday and my fil was telling me about his mother. She was an avid reader, and would buy books constantly, mostly on discount or at yard sales because she was frugal. And then he told me something so shocking I still haven’t recovered; instead of using bookmarks, she…

A Young John Steinbeck's Unpublished Werewolf Novel Isn't Going To Print

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My character's name is Ender, from Ender's Game, by Orson Scott Card. I've loved the first two books in the series (I actually prefer Ender's Shadow). I have them on audio book and often go back and listen to them from time to time. I've listened to a few of the other books in the series, but none…

Hey, everybody! My name is David Ebenbach and the deal with me is that I'm preoccupied with the human condition. Which is to say that I'm the author of eight books of fiction, poetry, and non-fiction. That includes my new novel How to Mars […

Hi, I was wondering if anyone else still recalls the Enid Blyton book series fondly. I still have a collection - and have even added a few fine antique hardback copies with dust jacket - and dip in occasionally, with delight. What do you think about moves in recent years to 'sanitise' the texts and…

It just feels like such a chore to obtain information (or read for leisure) even when it’s an enjoyable book (and even when I’m not sleep-deprived or anything). I guess it’s a very similar experience to watching a TV show on Netflix — some people can binge whole seasons in one day; I can only sit…

Anyone else with this ‘problem’? When I’m about to finish a book, about 20% left, I start reading in a hurry no matter how much I’m enjoying the book I just want to get trough with it, it’s like an anxiety to finishing and not precisely because I want to a plot to untwist or anything, I just to…

I am part of the book club with a lot of people in their early twenties. The other day we had a discussion on book-lists and they claimed the must-read book lists are a scam perpetuated by men and most of them were written by cis-het white men. I tried telling them that Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky,…

Can’t find the original post, it may have not been in this sub. I hope they see this though. NYT just posted about the book Notes on Grief by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, about the author dealing w the loss of her father and it made me think of that post. I think the book has some humor in it as well.…

I've enjoyed the book a lot. His prose was somehow deeply engaging and yet very simple. The stories deal with normal lives of people from Japan (mostly) and their relationship with certain women in their lives either from the past or in the present. Upon face value, the book looks like a romantic…

As a book lover I've lurked this sub for awhile now and people really should check what age group the book was written for before reading them or making posts about how bad they are. Eragon, Cirque De Freak, Artimis Fowl, Divergent, Twilight, the list goes on and on. These books are meant for Young…

I’m looking for a good book to read while I have a break from school. I think something with suspense would be great- but I’m open to anything. I’m thinking something that’s kind of a classic or well known. I haven’t read a full book in YEARS because I have been so burned out from school. I would…

Is anybody else an easy to please reader? I never really hate any books that I read. I can find flaws and like some books better than others. But I just like the stories. I read reviews before and after I buy books. I’ll read a book (and enjoy it like I do with most) and then I’ll go to read reviews…

I've recently felt this way when i read "The Bell Jar" by Sylvia Plath. *SPOILER ALERT\* I related to it on a massive level. It was even worse when i finished it and a quote from it wrung my brain like a wet cloth. > “How did I know that someday — at college, in Europe, somewhere, anywhere – > the…

I think I know my tastes pretty well, and do usually read reviews before starting a book. There are quite a few favorites I have too. I just ending up so badly misjudging whether something will be to my preference. In the past few years, a couple have stood out, but mostly I end up frustrated…

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