Buzzing Books

Archive / 2021-4


I am Paul Theroux, travel writer and author of 56 books—AMA.

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I’m the author of many highly acclaimed travelogues and novels, including The Great Railway Bazaar, The Mosquito Coast, On the Plain of Snakes, and Under the Wave at Waimea []. In 2015, I was awarded a Royal Medal from the…

2021-04-30 21:37·View on Reddit

I just finished reading this amazing book and it was genuinely one of my greatest reads. Walter Isaacson, the master biographer, brilliantly shows us the life of a genius, whose interests ranged from planetary motion to as eccentric as "analysis of a woodpecker's tongue". You read that right. One…

I’ve written a good bit on Reddit but this is by far the most uneasy I’ve felt about a post. I started to create another account but decided that if anything, being able to see my profile and history of activity could help show that this is genuine and not just some one and done account. So I’m…

The breakup topic has a monopoly of women as much as I have felt. It will be quite good if I could get some male advice on this, preferably in a novel or a story form. What I really want is a novel where a girl leaves a man who loved her immensely but not enough by her standards. How did he…

Some might disagree (and that’s fine), but I think The Expanse series is so well written…especially the diverse range of characters and character development. I’m currently about a little bit less than half-way through Book 3 Abaddon’s Gate and I just finished reading my 10th chapter in just today…

My goal is to wander the earth, stay out of prisons and clinics, and get some fiction and nonfiction written.  At the moment I'm in Ibiza. It's not the normal Ibiza, because they're under quarantine, but I'm not a normal guy, so I don't mind their current situation. I have a new book out called…

I hope this is allowed. I've been chewing on it for a long time and I really want to know if this happens to anyone else and if anyone has advice on how to manage it. I'm putting this in books because most of the material I react to is written, but its all fiction, written, animated, real person…

So today is International Book Day. Just have a great reading day and give a book to your loved ones. Here in Catalonia, it is typical to give a book to your loved ones and a rose to your wife, girlfriend, mom and sisters. To me it is one of the best traditions of the year. Do you have any…

Currently I'm reading The Shining, but having trouble finishing it because it just seems to me like it's dragging along. I'm a fan of horror stories, but I only like a couple of the Stephen King books I've read. Namely, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, and The Eyes of the Dragon. The other Stephen…

He was quite famous by early 1900s and wrote about the idle Rich and British aristocracy, golf, tennis. Many of his characters intersect in the universe he created. He left England in 1934 for France. He was captured by the Nazis and held prisoner. The Germans forced him to make radio broad casts…

I love reading, always have, but after being laid off and not reading on my commute, I stopped for a good 6 months. I look at my home library of novels next on my list and am overwhelmed. Fortunately, Little Libraries are popular in my area, and I have picked up several whodunit thrillers,…

Seriously, when I started reading the novel, F. Clegg didn't come across the usual torture-machine guy or the oppressor. I was right, he wasn't. He was a different kind of sadist. People often claim that the ending is the most creepy part of this but no, it's the beginning that is creepiest. I…

I'm reading Don Quixote for the first time, and I'm struck by how funny it is. I mean, this novel was written four hundred years ago and yet the humor—which you might expect to fall flat for a contemporary reader, coming from such a different time and culture—still works. Of course, some of…

My english really sucks ass. Thats why when im replying to someone in english, it would take me WAY MORE time than normal, a reply that would usually take about 5 minutes, would take me 30 minutes. Just finding the right words for every sentence and searching the definition to see if i used the word…

The vast, vast majority of my reading is all from the library or used books. Occasionally I'll have a thought about feeling bad I'm not supporting the authors by buying their books, but then I remember they only make literal cents off of each sale of their books, the vast majority going to the…

Just curious to hear everyone's answers. Personally I'm not a big re-reader because I never really get the same satisfaction/enjoyment from a book after the first time I read it, but I know a friend who will read and re-read their favourites over and over again. I always wonder if she's ever come…

This quote is from Notes on a Silencing, a memoir by Lacy Crawford. It is one of the most extraordinary books I’ve read in a while. Crawford writes a coming-of-age memoir of her privileged life at an elite boarding school (St Paul’s School) in Concord, New Hampshire in the early 90s, where she…

Had no pull to any kind of book this week so I randomly selected one from my fantasy section in the library. Within 50 pages, I knew this wasn’t the book for me but I’m continuing to read for two reasons, the “naughty” scenes and to watch the train wreck that I can’t look away from. Have y’all ever…

I used to read a decent amount as a kid. Less so in high school, and then hardly ever through uni and my 20s. I now devour books voraciously. It might even be unhealthy. It started when lockdown hit last year, I was already depressed. Work was so bad and my confidence in myself was, as a result,…

Can you recommend me any books with more of this mentality? I need a way to trick myself into thinking I can have fun while I exercise or I won't do it. Any self-help , psychological, health and fitness books or even non-fiction/ fiction books that will get me in the mindset of I want to do…

The first book I discovered earlier this year was Americanah and I loved it, well written, great story craft and a small glimpse into the lives of the characters growing up in Nigeria and then the cultural contrast of living in America and the discussion of race and blackness etc, just wow. This…

So, I’m going to gripe about it here. First off, who is this book even for? It reads like it’s written for middle schoolers, but everything revolves around 80’s references that they wouldn’t understand. I feel like I’m too old to for the book yet I’m a 90’s kid. Second, let me talk more about the…

hello this is MAN NAME OF CHUCK WORLDS GREATEST AUTHOR [] i am here to anwser your questions about how you can be the worlds greatest author too or the best way to prove love is real. i have new novel out called TRANS WIZARD HARRIET PORBER AND THE THEATER OF…

Because he does this so often, I find myself having to read slower to understand everything he's saying so that I can picture it in my mind better, but it happens so often. Also, words I'm not always familiar with pop up, making me consult a dictionary when I just want to get through it. Is there a…

Yes, this is embarrassing to admit. I’m proud of myself for committing to such a lengthy book and actually finishing it. It was amazing and I’m sad that it’s over. When I reached the last chapter I read each sentence slowly and savored every moment because I didn’t want it to end, as perfect as the…

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