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Archive / 2021-1


Just finished 1984

Fricking loved the book! Took me just three sessions to finish it.Orwell does a great job of depicting a dark, depressing environment.The part after Winstons arrest was very exciting.I found it fascinating how he always saw O’Brien as a friend, even while being tortured by him. I was expecting it to…

2021-01-31 23:41·Redditで見る

Book suggestions based on your mood

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Hi guys, For the last few months I have been working on a side project with a friend. It is a AI powered search engine for books called librimood ( Basically it's a search engine where you can search freely about what you like to read, just like asking a friend or asking…

I didn't pick up on hardly any of this when I read this one back in school, but reading it now, in the middle of (gestures at everything) this— it hits different. It actually means something. The Joads have just been trampled on by the rich. Literally forced off their own land because someone with…

Organizing the library in my room at my parent's place, I think I now understand better why I stopped reading from ages 18 to 26 after being a voracious reader before that. I felt like sharing this story because I believe it might not be that uncommon, and I'm interested in getting other people's…

I'll be taking a law exam in four months from now and it has sections like Reading Comprehension and Critical Reasoning. Besides solving actual problems for my test, what are some good books I can read that'll help me sharpen my Critical thinking area of brain and help me with proficiency…

I started the year on a fantasy-romance high with 'The Shadows Between Us' and after looking for suggestions from r/suggestmeabook [/r/suggestmeabook] I followed it up with Uprooted. Turns out the romance is basically a side plot and I've been dragging myself to read through it so I can get to the…

Context: I'm well-versed in the classic authors writing in English, but frankly pretty ignorant when it comes to classics from Asia, or Africa, or any of the European countries in which English isn't the first language, even. I'm hoping to change that and would appreciate any help on where to…

Basically as the title says. Looking for books that involve serial killers and detectives or police solving the crime. I really love the darkness of the atmosphere in Se7en and the disturbing vibes of it (I don’t want anything too disturbing though). I also love the mystery and feelings of unease in…

A series with thousands of pages seems a little overwhelming, currently. Is there a book to introduce one to Fantasy? One that would suggest if Fantasy genre is ones cup of tea? Like I said, I’m brand new to reading and have only finished 3 books, popular ones (where the crawdads sing, A Million…

Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone had some good go-to recommendations for books which focus on Black history and some of the most important events and figures within that time. I realised that I have no real in-depth knowledge of black people's history and their struggle during and since…

Hi everyone, I am fairly new to Reddit, still trying to figure out how it really works. But, I came across this sub Reddit and I thought to myself, give it a try, it might be helpful. So here goes nothing. When I was little, I grew up reading books. My parents read to me before bedtime and…

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