Buzzing Books

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What's your weird book behavior/opinion?

I've often been told not to judge a book by it's cover, but I'm curious: How else are you supposed to choose? Something must grab you in order for you to choose a book to read. Sometimes it makes logical sense; for example, you might choose a book because you've read the author before and enjoyed…

2021-10-31 23:48·View on Reddit

Gothic becomes Latin America’s go-to genre as writers turn to the dark side

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So many people post about reading their first book in years, or having a hard time getting back in the habit of reading. This post is IN NO WAY a knock on them and I have nothing but respect for those who have been trying to pick it back up. That being said, though, I just can’t imagine not…

I recently started try to re-read House of Leaves...and I had honestly forgotten that the book is a friggin' acid trip in writing, to the point that I am genuinely wondering if I should let that beast lie. However, trying to take another bite at this beast got me thinking about a question to ask you…

I’ve been teaching the Gothic and Science Fiction at university for over 25 years here in London, and I’ve edited classics such as Stevenson’s Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Bram Stoker’s Dracula and H. G. Wells’s The Time Machine. I’ve written books about topics that range from the invention of the concept…

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