Buzzing Books

Archive / 2021-6


Why do schools still put "Go ask Alice" in their curriculum?

When I was in school I was forced to read Go ask Alice by Beatrice Sparks for english class. It was introduced as a real diary and true story, exactly the way it was marketed. When I started reading I noticed the scenarios were unrealistic so a quick google search led me to figuring out it was…

2021-06-30 20:09·View on Reddit

I’m currently reading “between the world and me” be Ta-Nehisi Coates, and it’s personalized experiences very different from my own, and it’s encouraged me to confront some of my own sheltered notions. I recently read “where do we go from here: chaos or community?” By Martin Luther King, and that…

I am neither Neil Gaiman nor Andy Weir (nor anyone so wonderful at all) but I do enjoy writing science-fantasy stories, in particular ones with lots of action in them like the Combat Codes saga. I'm Alexander Darwin, AMA!

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As you might get from the title, I've got some severe imposter syndrome lately, in particular doing an AMA here on r/books [/r/books]. I made the mistake of looking at the 'all time' upvoted list before doing this and saw my heroes like Gaiman, Weir, Sanderson, Atwood, Lawrence and Lois f**king…

I'm only on chapter 9 and I already feel like I personally know all the characters, Kya especially. And don't get me started on the description of the marsh and surrounding area... beautiful. If you have read or are currently reading "Where The Crawdads Sing", what are your thoughts on it?

Hi everyone! I posted on here over a month ago trying to find some good book podcast recommendations and you all did not disappoint! I wanted to share some of my favorites that I’ve been listening to and hear about your favorites too! Marlon and Jake Read Dead People—The booker prize award winning…

Like the title says, it's an amazing feeling to go back and thoroughly re-read a favorite book of mine, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. Especially the second time around I'm now older and seeing for the first time all these little details and foreshadowing throughout the book I've…

I just finished part one of the idiot and I am really impressed. Someone posted in this sub that they thought the brothers karzmazov was the best book of all time. Naturally, I went out and bought the book, but I also bought the idiot (I wanted to read it as a warm up to the author). Dostoevsky has…

I recently finished reading George Orwell's 1984 and it was fantastic, but the ending was incredibly morbid and quite soul crushing. The idea that the individual can never overcome the insurmountable control from the government and pressure to conform left me floored upon ending the book. I'm trying…

I have an ongoing list of books I see suggested here a lot because I want to read them all, and so many have been great! But sadly, I am reading “Circe” by Madeline Miller and I just can’t get into it! I have gotten through over half the book and I just don’t feel connected or captivated, which…

I assume this is a well known common thing but it only clicked with me recently and I have been a voracious reader! Before then, I've always been one of those "I must focus on each word and nothing else or I will get lost" kind of kid. I could not afford anything else happening in my head other than…

I know it is an unpopular opinion but I just finished the first two Lord of the Rings books and it has been one of those rare instances where I enjoyed the movies way more than the source books. With the novels I just never felt the true desperation and overwhelming odds facing the characters. The…

Oscar Martinez is an award winning journalist from El Salvador and cofounder of, an online newspaper in El Salvador. One of the most intrepid journalists I've ever encountered in nonfiction, he beautifully captures both the horrific conditions these migrants face while simultaneously…

The Kalevala can be attributed, at least partially, to a ton of the archetypes we see in fantasy today. In large part, that’s due to the fact it inspired Tolkien and quite a few elements, and even some characters, of the Lord of the Rings come right out of the Kalevala. Despite that, it seems like…

This book really covered a lot of ground for me: its sense of realism, adventure, and fable kept me captivated the whole time. It was fascinating to watch Buck's evolution, aligning himself once again with his primal roots. But so many moments along the way stood out. Situations such as Buck…

When I was a kid I was an avid reader, primarily because my dad was. When he died I couldn’t sit with a book long enough to fully dive in. Why, I don’t know. Recently I picked up the Harry Potter books, it was what I read with him as a kid. I began to realise how wonderful books are, getting lost…

I'm Lawrence Wright, staff writer for The New Yorker, playwright, screenwriter, and a Pulitzer Prize–winning author who has released eleven books of non-fiction, including The Looming Tower [], Going…

PD James, who died six years ago, had a holiday home [] in Southwold on the east coast of the UK. (Apparently she also sheltered Salman Rushdie here during the fatwa.) We didn't rent this place knowing it had been hers, but I…

I just finished Mishima's The Sound of Waves, and it is hands down the best book i've ever had the pleasure of reading. The entire book felt as tranquil as relaxing in a meadow or garden; yet, I couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency and worry as I flipped through the pages. Because what the…

So...I finally started 'reading' (audible) Odd Thomas (I love the movie). Let me just say I love how he writes. This is not what I expected. I don't know what I expected. I'm not much of a horror fan I guess I thought it would be more like Stephen King (not much a fan)? IDK. I love…

I’m Edward Slingerland [], Distinguished University Scholar and Professor of Philosophy at the University of British Columbia, and I have spent the last several years researching why humans like to get high on chemical intoxicants, especially alcohol. My new book,…

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